Everything You Need To Know About Your Stay At Masoala Forest Lodge

Meal Times:

Meal times are served as follows:

Breakfast: 7 – 9 am at the Sea Deck
Lunch: 12 – 1.30 pm at the Beach House
Tea Time: 4.30 – 5.30 pm at the Sea Deck
Snacks and Sundowners: 5.30 pm at the Beach Fire
Dinner: 6.30 pm at the Beach House

Laundry Service:

The laundry service is free of charge. A laundry basket is available in your bathroom and the housekeepers will collect your laundry in the morning. We will bring it to you when it is ready. We have a drying room with a dehumidifier. You are welcome to hand in your wet/damp clothes. If you have wet shoes, please let us know and we will put them into the oven house overnight. You will find a wash line with clothes pegs under your tent.


In your bungalow you will find lockable bedside cupboards and a lockable wardrobe on the back balcony. You may also hand your valuables in at the reception for storage in our safe.

Electricity and lights:

Electricity is available 24/7 and is generated by a central solar array. We ask our guests to turn the lights off, when they are not in use. You will find a multi-plug to charge your electronic devices inside the wardrobe on the veranda. You are also welcome to use the charging station in the Beach House. The blue cap lamps in the tent will switch on and off when you turn the small know on the side. These make good reading lights and are also for night walks in the lodge and private reserve.


Wi-Fi is available in the communal area (Beach House). It can sometimes be slow and requires patience.


Your guide is not only available for you in the rainforest and its surroundings, but also in the lodge for the duration of your stay, whethere you are interested in challenging them to a board game or learning more from our books about the region. You are required to be accompanied by an official national park guide whenever you are inside Masoala National Park – however, you are welcome to discover our beaches and private reserve on your own, as they are not part of Masoala National Park.


It is advisable to close the mosquito net flaps of your tent before sunset.


Gratuity is gratefully accepted. We recommend tipping your guide directly and leaving a trip for the staff at the reception.

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